
The Truth About CBD oil

Why does Lush use CBD oil in its new products?

At Lush, we believe in inventing cosmetics that, in addition to looking and smelling irresistible, make you feel luxurious. Every bath bomb, bubble bath, soap, and…. well, each and every product we make by hand is meant to make you feel a certain way: they’re kind of like wearable moods.

We’ve always used essential oils to create innovative and unique cosmetics, combining them with ingredients that are not only good for the skin, but also for the mind! Want to feel relaxed? We’ve got lavender for that. Want to get an energizing feeling? Lemon oil comes to the rescue.

And that’s just what we do by using CBD in 4:20 PM perfume, Joints massage stick, Botanomancy bath bubble, and 4:20 bath bomb. In today’s society, where millions of people experience anxiety and have their mental health affected, finding a way to relax is more important than ever. There are many options for taking care of the body and mind: going for a run, practicing yoga, eating right, or going to therapy.

One of the things we’ve heard a lot from people who shop at Lush is that CBD helps them feel good. That’s what made us get on the ball to add this ingredient to your tub. If CBD can help someone feel a little better, taking self-care to the next level in a safe and ethical way, it’s worth a try, right?

What is CBD oil and where does it come from?

Hemp is basically a different name for the same plant from which CBD oil is obtained.

As for CBD oil, it is a non-addictive compound that is completely legal in Spain. Our supplier, Pure Organic, extracts CBD oil from the stems and seeds of the plant. To ensure even distribution, we mix it with a carrier oil (hemp seed oil) for our products such as the 4:20 PM bath bomb, Botanomancy bath bubble, and Joints massage stick. For the 4:20 PM perfume, we use 30% isolated CBD blended with MPG and provide instructions on how regularly this product should be used on the skin.

The hemp plant has many compounds. The two we are going to talk about are tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) and cannabidiol (CBD). Both are phytocannabinoids, but they have different effects and properties. They exist at different levels in hemp plants. For more articles, information, and resources about CBD, check out Hemponix to learn more.

Hemp grown for medical use is made for its mind-altering properties and has a high THC content. THC is a psychotropic compound, which means it affects the mental state (known as being high) and is illegal in Spain. CBD, on the other hand, is cultivated for its therapeutic properties, as it is believed to help reduce anxiety and has anti-inflammatory effects.

Although CBD oil is not psychotropic and does not produce that high or altered state of mind, it can have a positive effect on mood. Our CBD oil is made from industrial hemp, which means it is completely legal as it meets all safety requirements.

As we have said before, our source of CBD oil is extracted from the cultivated stalks of industrial hemp and is tested for THC-free at the end of each production. This means that, in Spain, any CBD oil product that meets these standards, including Lush CBD products, is completely legal and safe: it is non-addictive and has no mind-altering effects.