Explanation about CBD
When people talk about the abbreviation CBD it stands for “Cannabidiol”. CBD is a common substance that is mainly produced in the flower tops of the CBD plant. These compounds are called Cannabinoids. CBD is a non-psychoactive cannabinoid that is mainly isolated from fiber hemp. Cannabidiol is found in both CBD Sativa and Indica.
How is CBD made?
CBD is extracted from fiber hemp. This can be done in several ways and is called extraction. CBD is a natural phytocannabinoid with action on the endocannabinoid system (ECS). Cannabinoids are soluble in various biological agents, but not in water. By extracting the flower tops of the fiber hemp via CO2 extraction, one is left with a paste as a base product. This paste is used to eventually make CBD oil.
When CBD is at room temperature, the colorless substance takes the form of a crystalline and that is a solid. Adults, children and animals can use CBD to promote their well-being.
Can you get high from CBD?
No, CBD is as they call it not a psychoactive cannabinoid. But good to know is that CBD has an inhibitory effect on THC in the brain. So the intoxication, high or stoned effect that CBD or any other THC product has will be reduced by CBD use. When one uses CBD at least one hour after consuming THC, CBD will thus partially cancel the psychoactive effect of THC. CBD can reduce some of the effects that THC causes. These include getting rid of the restless feeling, no longer having control over body and mind, or the high feeling.

How does CBD work?
THC and CBD are important compounds found in CBD. There are many positive properties that CBD or cannabinoids can help with. Largely, this has to do with the special properties cannabinoids have on the endocannabinoid system. For example, more and more insights show that cannabidiol increases resistance to unfavorable bacteria and fungi. It helps with restless feelings, as a natural tranquilizer, for good sleep and healthy sleep, for a good mood and for the nervous system. In addition, it could provide support to protect against free radicals and thus better protect the body. Learn more info on sleep aids by reading this article.
What is cannabidiol good for?
CBD has some special effects because of its interaction with the endocannabinoid system. This system has important functions within the body. Specifically, because it affects all kinds of receptors found in the human body. Thus, the body itself produces cannabinoids that regulate the function of receptors. CBD products can complement this system. With this, CBD has a positive effect on health. Properties that CBD can have on the body include:
- Contributes to a healthy night’s sleep
- Helps with mood swings (eg at the transition)
- Helps with a nervous feeling
- Promotes the ability to concentrate
- Nourishes and protects the skin
- With stress and tension
- Has a relaxing and soothing effect
- For a good state of mind
- Good for the intestinal flora
- Gives more energy
- Has a beneficial effect on aging symptoms
- Good for blood circulation
- For effective oxygen transport
- Helps with cold hands and feet
- Stimulates the appetite
- Maintains healthy blood pressure
- For maintaining strong bones
Is it safe?
CBD is safe to use provided you choose a reliable brand. MediHemp and Cibdol are the better brands. These products work completely transparently. From experience we know that, among other things because of the Tros Radar CBD test, there is a lot of CBD oil available on the market that is not satisfactory. The tests showed that sometimes there was no or hardly any CBD in the bottles. There were also bottles found with high percentages of THC. Some users therefore experienced the stoned or high effect.
Renowned brands extract the CBD from the hemp plant according to the latest scientific insights and techniques. We have deliberately chosen CBD brands that meet our standards. What is also good to know about our CBD oil products is that:
- It is 100% natural
- It comes from EU-certified hemp plants
- It is legally and freely available
- It has body characteristics
- It is not psychoactive
- It is not addictive
- It does not cause habituation
- It does not make you drowsy
- It can also be administered to children and animals
- It is available in various CBD percentages
- It contains no additives that may be harmful to humans or the environment

CBD Oil. Its benefits
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